
PPE: Mistakes Workers Make

When workers make mistakes with PPE, the consequences can be grim. In the health and safety professional’s “hierarchy of controls,” PPE falls in last place—behind engineering controls and work practice or administrative controls. The reasoning is that engineering controls address the hazard directly, and have the fewest potential failure points, so they are most protective. […]

Everybody’s ‘Real’ Economic Impact is Different

Do a Google search on “Do environmental regulations hurt economic growth?” and you will come up with enough studies to cover a wall in your local public library.  If you review the studies themselves – or at least flip through the abstracts – you will find most of the researchers answer “no.” That answer is […]

The Right Way to Use Discipline to Promote Workplace Safety

Discipline can be a positive part of workplace safety if you apply it correctly. Discipline can be a key element in ensuring safety in your workplace. This may seem counter-intuitive because some people would tell you to avoid discipline so that employees do not have a disincentive to comply. However, if you use discipline consistently […]

Keys to Good Classroom Training Sessions

Instructor-led training remains one of the most popular training techniques for trainers. There are many types including: Blackboard or whiteboard. This may be the most “old-fashioned” method, but it can still be effective, especially if you invite trainees to write on the board or ask for feedback that you write on the board. Video portion. […]

9 Ways to Make Your Training More Interesting

Quizzes. For long, complicated training, stop periodically to administer brief quizzes on information presented to that point. You can also begin sessions with a prequiz and let participants know there will also be a follow-up quiz. Trainees will stay engaged in order to improve their prequiz scores on the final quiz. Further motivate participants by […]

Should Employees Be Disciplined for Safety Violations?

Some safety professionals think safety and discipline are incompatible. Others disagree. Howard Mavity, a labor lawyer and partner in the law firm of Fisher & Phillips, says discipline is essential for safety, but employers just aren’t doing it. Mavity cites a firm study that found 56 percent of large general contractors were unsatisfied with how […]

LPG Odorants in Rail Tank Cars

But in what appears to be a regulatory lapse, the federal odorant standards overseen by the Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) apply only to LPG rail shipments in cargo and portable tank containers; there is no comparable regulation for LPG transported in railroad tank cars.  In a safety advisory issued April 2012, the […]

Are You Providing Adequate Safety Training to Temporary Workers?

Even if temp workers receive training from their agency, you still need to not only provide safety orientation to your own workplace but also ensure that the training they receive elsewhere is adequate for the situation at your facility. Today’s Advisor explains why. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is taking steps to address […]

DIY SPPC Plan Amendments

5-Year Review Owners and operators of regulated facilities must review SPCC plans at least every 5 years. As a result of such review, plans must be amended within 6 months of the review to include more effective prevention and control technology if the technology has been field-proven at the time of the review and will […]