Are Your Employees On Board with PPE Requirements?

Here’s one employer that takes personal protective equipment (PPE) very seriously and does everything possible to encourage employees to do likewise. CSX is one of the nation’s leading transportation suppliers. Its transportation network encompasses about 21,000 miles of track in 23 states, the District of Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. Barry Morton is the former head […]

Should Your Company be RRP-Certified for Lead-Based Paint?

Contractors performing almost any work that disturbs paint in residences, apartments, schools, and daycare centers built before 1978 must comply with the Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) rule. Yesterday, we reviewed recent violations of this rule, and today we will look at some of the frequently asked questions about who and what are […]

Steps in the Hazardous Waste Decontamination Process

The steps in the decontamination process vary depending on the hazards involved, the equipment available, and the terrain and circumstances. However, this list is typical of what would be set up for a complex decontamination. Station 1: Segregated Equipment Drop Deposit equipment used on-site (tools, sampling devices and containers, monitoring instruments, radios, clipboards) on plastic […]

Hazardous Waste: Permeation Factors and Decontamination Methods

Decontamination is a vital process for employees who handle hazardous wastes because it removes or neutralizes contaminants that have accumulated on personnel and equipment. Decontamination serves the following purposes: It protects workers from hazardous substances that may contaminate and eventually permeate the protective clothing, respiratory equipment, tools, vehicles, and other equipment used on-site. It protects […]

A Primer on Toxic Substances

Toxic substances are found in many facilities, and employees can suffer a variety of illnesses as a result of unprotected exposures. According to Understanding Toxic Substances, a guide for employers and employees published by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries: "The toxicity of a substance is its ability to cause harmful effects. These effects […]

Are Corrosives Eating Away at Safety in Your Facility?

Are your workers in danger from corrosive chemicals? If so, give them the information they need to protect themselves. Workers may know that corrosive materials can be hazardous to their skin and eyes, but are they aware that these substances are also highly reactive when they come into contact with certain other substances? Or that […]

What You Should Know About OSHA’s Annotated PEL Tables

Yesterday, we focused on OSHA’s safer chemicals toolkit. Today, we turn to its annotated PEL tables. OSHA recognizes that many of its permissible exposure limits (PELs) are outdated and inadequate for ensuring protection of worker health. Most of OSHA’s PELs were issued shortly after adoption of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970, and […]

OSHA’s New Chemical Safety Tools: A Closer Look

Recently, OSHA announced two new tools designed to help employers protect their workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals. The first tool helps employers identify safer chemicals and the second is a web resource called the “Annotated Permissible Exposure Limits,” or annotated PEL tables, which OSHA says will enable employers to voluntarily adopt newer, more protective […]